Monday, January 02, 2006

Minutes to MHA meeting, Dec 19, 2005

---Management Committee Meeting, December 19 2005

Executive Management Joint Meeting

Present: MHA - Jonathan Machen Management Committee Chair, Paul Keaton President, Gene Langlois Management Committee member, Alex Wilson Management Committee member, Kabir Management Committee member, Valerina Dingler management Committee member, Mark Reeder Acting Secretary

TCH - Barbara Navin, Roger Lewis, Julie Nichols
Hast & Co. - Loretta Milcarek, Julie Morris

Executive Management Joint Meeting 12/19/05

Present: MHA - Jonathan Machen Management Committee Chair, Paul Keaton President, Val Dingler Management Committee member, Alex Wilson Management Committee member, Kabir Management Committee member, Mark Reeder Acting Secretary
TCH - Barbara Navin

Agenda items for group management meeting 12/19/05
Approval of minutes from 11/28and Quarterly Minutes

1. Resident Manager's report – Julie not present
2. Property Manager's report – Loretta not Present, but collection note from Loretta
3. Jonathan passing torch of management chair to ? but retaining web maintenance and advisor on lot 81 project
4. Mark Reeder’s suggestion about hiring liaison for infrastructure
5. What to do with recently available lots
6. Infrastructure update
6. We need a new secretary

Committee Reports:
Site/infrastructure committee report

Management committee Report -

Finance committee report – Silvia Gentile is still gone.

6. Old Business

7. New Business
Jonathan Machen opened the meeting opened at 6:15pm.
Kabir motioned that we accept the minutes. Val seconded it. Passed.
Loretta sent a note on collection of back rents. A resident had paid in full back rent.

Jonathan Machen made the announcement that he will be stepping down as management Committee chair to help with his newborn coming. He would like to remain as Web guru and the project lead on #81.

Project 81 is moving along and it hopeful that it will start on January 17th.

A resident whose mobile home was removed has returned to Boulder and has been calling the management committee Chair in order to find out what is going on with his trailer. He has left phone number to call him. From now on, these issues should only go through Hast & Co.

Lori Anderegg’s home is for sale and it looks as if there is a buyer.

#9 is also for sale.

Lance Slaughter has prepared to move his son’s home in order to bring in a new one. Questions: Can he move one in? Yes if it meets current codes enforced in the Park. If it is a newer home it will need 100 amp service.

Barbara gave the report that in exchange for HUD dollars to help pay for the Park, TCH agreed to provide five pads as HOME sites (Hud regulated homes) Their money went to pay for these five pads. The owner of a HOME unit homesite needs to be someone with an affordable rent tier - 60% or under - who has qualified for that rent tier. As evidence, Thistle will use the original income certifications, and will be choosing among those owners who actually qualified for the tier that was assigned to them. In addition, the mobile home will not be inspected, but the tie-down will. Barbara will investigate the issue more and let us know what is expected for these HUD inspections.

Mark put forth the idea for discussion that we hire a resident to work as a liaison between residents and the Construction Company doing the infrastructure work. The resident doing the liaison work for Goose Creek was quite busy and the infrastructure work will be much greater. We probably cannot get a resident to volunteer to do the work. He proposed that TCH and MHA jointly hire a resident to be a consultant-liaison. As a consultant, they would be responsible for filing their own income taxes and handle their own healthcare and other associated costs. Hiring would be for a six-month period say for $5,000 - $6,000.

Job qualifications would be:
Management Experience
Construction experience
Good Communication skills
Good Reporting Skills

Familiarity with resident concerns
Mark also provided a list of qualified people for the job: Alex Wilson, Debbie Feustel, Don Mckee, John Hollin, Keith Ainsworth, Pete Caterina.

Alex Wilson declined the job.

Of these five, Mark proposed Debbie Feustel as the resident with the most experience and the tenacity to look out for residents. Also, she has skills at saving money, which will come in handy and more than likely be worth the salary.
Jonathan thought the liaison is needed if we have to have someone do it, maybe we should have someone paid for it. He also reminded everyone that at one time we had a community coordinator.

Paul responded that at one time we did have so much work that it was necessary t have a community coordinator. Paul is concerned about another layer of bureaucracy in the job since we already have people at the construction Company and at TCH. Also he wanted to know who would fund it – MHA or TCH?

Val made the observation that residents may not know where they are in the process of the infrastructure work and that a liaison would be helpful.

Barbara said that she could accept the point that we have someone on site that is there with a relationship wit the company that can handle emergencies and notifications.

Jonathan – we had good success with the liaison with Goose Creek.

Mark will contact the City about a grant for the position.

Agreed that if we can find the money for it, we will fund the position.

-Mark then explained his idea for new homes that will be brought in because of infrastructure work and the upgraded pads available:
MHA and TCH might consider buying homes of residents leaving the Park and then reselling them to persons and families, making a commission from the sales. Also, with the infrastructure work we will have at least four and maybe five pads for new homes. Both Mapleton and TCH should look into buying repossessed homes, which sell for pennies on the dollar, and having them installed on these pads and sold to deserving families.

Jonathan Machen brought up the foundation issue for newer two story homes in the Park. Foundation issue is something that we need to bring up with the city. The City wants these homes on wheels so that they are truly mobile homes that can be removed. But two story modular homes need a temporary foundation that doesn’t fit the city’s present code.

Permanent foundations might not be a good idea in the case of eviction impossible to remove home along with the resident.

Good idea to have mobile homes that we can install on pads and sell to people.
Ask Don McKee to look into what it costs to bring in new homes or repossessed homes and the cost of installing them.

No new news on the infrastructure front. Still waiting for the city to OK the tech docs. We can proceed with the infrastructure work once that is done. Most likely the work will still be start in March.

New Secretary and new Management committee Chair:
Val made the observation that we start an active campaign to get new people involved in the committee and on the executive board.
Paul stated that the Management Committee is not as active as it once was and the workload mostly consists of listening to complaints and directing Hast & Co.

-Mark announced that he will be stepping down at the end of the January Quarterly meeting and will no longer be Acting Secretary.
Next combined Meeting January 23rd, 2006 at 6pm at TCH.
Meeting adjourned 7:50.

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