Sunday, November 27, 2005

Fall Quarterly Meeting Minutes, 2005

Fall Quarterly Meeting of the Mapleton Home Association November 13, 2005

Place: Unity Church
Time: 5:00

Board Members Present: Paul Keaton President; Jonathan Machen Management Committee Chair; Mark Reeder Acting Secretary

Guests Barbara Navin, Bill Windsor, Julie Nichols, TCH Staff


1. Update of Infrastructure Project
2. MHA Management of the Park
3. Update on Lot #81 – the CU, TCH, MHA Mobile Home Renovation Project

MHA President Paul Keaton called the meeting to order at 5:10. He then introduced himself and read the ground rules of the meeting.
Main business issue is the infrastructure upgrades. Paul introduced Bill Windsor from TCH who gave the presentation.

Getting the infrastructure started has been a difficult task, especially getting approvals from the city. The biggest hurdle was getting variances approved – TCH made three submittals for approvals on five variance requests. We can now go through with the second part, which is the tech doc approval. City wants to see the final drawings, plans including landscape. The final layouts of manholes, etc. Hope to turn this in by December 5th or earlier. We anticipate that the city will kick it back and ask for us to resubmit it. Generally the process takes 60 days for approval, so we are looking for getting permits in late February and that means getting started on the infrastructure in March.

Construction costs have been going up and we are currently looking for ways to lower costs. Based on latest estimates looks like we will have to leave out a couple of roads in the south side of the park in the first phase. But we will be doing the entire infrastructure – gas, electric, water, sewer and roads - at once instead of piecemealing it. By doing all of the work at once, it will be more cost effective and less disruptive. Meanwhile, we have been and will continue to do additional brainstorming to save money and maximize our work.

Construction will start at Mapleton Avenue first and then go north and west. We will be meeting with MHA representatives to see how we can be least disruptive with the residents.

The current MHA team is led by Kurt Bischoff and also includes Mark Reeder and Jonathan Machen.

We will be laying all of the infrastructure in the streets, which means the roads will be torn up and there will be times when the residents will not be able to park in front of their homes. Streets will have three or four trenches –sewer water, gas and electric.

Debbie Feustel asked where residents will park during construction? Bill answered that the team is looking for and will find places for residents’ cars. The roads will be replaced after all the work is done.

Debbie then asked if construction crews knew about the problem with rodents that accompany construction work in the Park? She explained that we had a problem with rodents during Goose Creek. Bill answered that we will discuss this issue during our construction meetings.

Susan Baird asked, how long will each section take? Bill answered that Wyatt Construction, who is handling the work, can’t give a hard estimate since they don’t know what they will encounter yet. The best guess is that the entire Phase One will be 6 months.

The question was then asked, How are we paying for this? Bill answered that the bond financing used in purchasing the Park provided us money to redo infrastructure. In addition there have been grants and Thistle is seeking another round of funding for more grants.

What did it mean to save on the financing by skipping some of the south roads? When we priced out the south side, the numbers that came back were substantially higher than the budget. We were able to save $250,000, but there is more to be done than there is money presently. The result is that we will do the south side road by road until the money runs out. The project will start with what is called Road C - the road from Mapleton Avenue to Goose Creek including the cul de sac at the south end of the Park. It will then pass under the bridge over the Boulder WhiteRock Irrigation Ditch and go to Road D – the road on the east side of the washhouse that runs from Folsom Avenue to Goose Creek. It will then go to Road E, on the north side of the Wash House and then to Road F which runs along Folsom Avenue. When those roads are completed, the project will jump Goose Creek to the north side of the Park and do both roads there known as Road A and Road B. As long as there is money in the construction fund, the project will continue road by road. The only real source for funding is through grants from city and state – so there will probably be a large time gap between phase one ands phase two.

Nick Tamm asked about the possibility that – Excel will fund the gas and electric. Bill answered that TCH is following up on that possibility. At the local level, Excel cannot give the go ahead for giving the funding. Aaron Miripol from TCH will go to headquarters to see if it can be done.

Maria Downing then asked Bill to clarify if there was not currently enough money to do both the south and north sides of the Park. Bill confirmed her statement and then added that some improvements to sewer and water to the south will benefit the north. Water pressure will improve and sewer will be better. Also fire hydrants will be available for the north as well.

Dan Teboe asked if phase One meant all infrastructure and Bill answered yes. It will go as far as funding takes us. Currently there is not enough money to do all north and south; there is enough money to do 2/3rds of the south side. Phase Two will be the same but will be a different part of the park.

Infrastructure upgrades will include cable, though not everyone will be forced to take cable.

How disruptive will the water shut off be? We will build the new system along side the old system and then connect homes as we go by them. When we tie into the trailers, will we go under the sidewalks and then beneath the trailers and tie in. Asked if residents have to be there to let workers beneath the homes, Bill answered that workers do not have to get into the homes only underneath them. Right now it is budgeted for the homeowners to remove their own skirting. He then explained, that the only cost will be for the homeowner to remove the skirting and that attempts will be made to get a neighborhood volunteer group that will help to remove the skirting for residents who are unable to. Not all of the skirting will need to be removed. Probably only the front, though some mobile homes may have to have a section of the side skirting removed.

Dan Teboe asked if water into the home be accommodated properly? Bill answered that water lines underneath the units will be heat taped.

Asked if construction crews will abandon or remove the existing utility meters and infrastructure, Bill answered that what is above ground will be removed, under ground left in place.

Debbie Feustel asked if the yard hydrants, which are beside the homes now, will be moved closer to the front. In some cases yes.

Will there be curbs. Yes for now but it is up the to the residents.
New waterlines will bring greater pressure. Residents now on city loops will not be affected pressure wise.

Bill then explained about trees: The goal is bring down as few trees a possible, but with trenching some trees will be affected. We will place ribbons on trees at risk, these are trees that may be taken down. There will be more with ribbons than actually taken since variances, where lines are run, and the arborist’s recommendations will mean some trees won’t have to be removed. The arborist will do a tree-by-tree basis.

Any driveways and sidewalks ripped up will be replaced.

The contractor will adjust water pressure for the park. A concern that some people with low pressure now may have some problems as units come up to pressure. Older units operating under low pressure may experience some problems. Won’t be putting in such high pressure that it is dangerous. One way to mitigate problems caused by increased water pressure is to turn the water back on slowly leaving the faucets running.

Debbie Feustel asked that If the water pressure does damage lines, is the homeowner responsible? Right now yes. The new water pressure is according to city code.
Plans are being made to do a survey in advance to point out obstacles so that residents can prepare. Also, residents will also have a resident liaison between the Construction company and the residents, the same as during Goose Creek. Stuff does happen, but all parties will try to anticipate what happens. Also, there will be weekly meetings that the liaison will attend and bring up homeowners’ concerns
Can we have an extra set up of plans so that residents can look at what will be expected of them? An extra set of plans can be placed in the washhouse for residents to see what will happen. Residents will have at least a month. Debbie asked for more time and post a set of drawings even if they will change later so that resident can have an idea of what to expect.

Bill then turned the floor back to Paul Keaton. Paul gave an update on finances. Hast & Company has been running the budget very lean and doing a good job of cutting costs. The first year has been very good, but we will have some lean years coming up. The way TCH and MHA financed the park there will be two good years with easy payments and then year three, paying principal and interest we will pay more. Right now we have to plan for future.

Paul then introduced TCH staffer, Barbara Navin who gave an update on leases. 85% of leases have been signed and returned. A letter will go out this week to remind those residents to sign leases and give copies of titles to their mobile home to Hast so that we can go forward.

Debbie Feustel asked if we will be able to put new lots on line after infrastructure. A total of five additional lots will come online during the construction process. Also lots sitting vacant right now will be brought up to code. Will we do marketing to rent out these pads and perhaps bring in new homes.

Jonathan Machen observed that it will be an opportunity for the MHA possibly to bring in homes ourselves and maximize the value for the future.
Management Committee Chair, Jonathan Machen, then gave an update on lot #81. He passed out a brochure that showed options for retrofitting homes. He explained that the MHA will be renovating the mobile home on lot #81 in conjunction with CU and TCH. A development agreement has been worked out with CU and TCH. MHA put money into purchasing the home and tying it down and we will be paid back for that. CU students are working on new designs; the budget has been figured out; and now we are waiting for permits and a final sign off by the city. Currently, the MHA donates the pad for about a year. No revenue on the lot until the home is sold. It will be at the market rate tier when sold. The site will be a test project using straw bale technology.

Susan Baird asked about if residents pay dues now. Paul explained that it was already included in the rent.

Mark Reeder reminded everyone that he is only an acting secretary and plans to step down in January. He asked that anyone wishing to be secretary of the MHA contact him or one of the other board members. Paul Keaton reminded everyone that we still did not have a secretary.
Paul Keaton adjourned the meeting at 6:19.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Acting Secretary, Mark Reeder

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